Casi 40 MPG en el nuevo Altima

Nissan acaba de presentar una nueva versión de su Altima de quinta generación. Viene en cuatro modelos (S, SR, SV y SL) y ofrece la selección de dos motores: un cuatro cilindros de 2.5 litros y 182 caballos de fuerza y un V6 de 3.5 y caballaje de 270. Foto: Andrés O'Neill, Jr.
Nissan acaba de presentar una nueva versión de su Altima de quinta generación. Viene en cuatro modelos (S, SR, SV y SL) y ofrece la selección de dos motores: un cuatro cilindros de 2.5 litros y 182 caballos de fuerza y un V6 de 3.5 y caballaje de 270. Foto: Andrés O’Neill, Jr.


NISSAN INTRODUJO esta semana la nueva versión de su sedán mediano Altima. Aunque cambió su apariencia de una manera muy marcada, no se trata de un cambio generacional, sino de un rediseño parcial, pero muy completo, del modelo de quinta generación.

Esta versión del 2016 del Altima viene en cuatro modelos: S, SR, SV y SL. Hay dos motores disponibles: un cuatro cilindros de 2.5 litros y 182 caballos de fuerza y un V6 de 3.5 litros y 270 caballos. El rendimiento máximo es de unas impresionantes 39 millas por galón (MPG) en el motor 2.5. Estamos hablando de una cifra que hasta hace poco se veía exclusivamente en autos subcompactos e incluso, hay automóviles compactos y subcompactos que no logran alcanzarla

Por su parte, el  V6 también es muy eficiente pues logra un máximo de 32 MPG, que es otra cifra muy buena para un sedán mediano y más aún, para un mediano con motor de seis cilindros.

Con cualquiera de los motores, la única transmisión disponible es una automática tipo CVT.

De los cuatro modelos, el deportivo es el SR que adquiere aros de 18 pulgadas con diseño exclusivo y un modo manual en la transmisión que tiene además palanquitas en el guía tipo paddle shift. También recibe ajustes en la suspensión para un manejo más ágil.


Equipado con el motor 2.5, el Altima tiene un impresionante rendimiento máximo de 39 millas por galón. Foto: Andrés O'Neill, Jr.
Equipado con el motor 2.5, el Altima tiene un impresionante rendimiento máximo de 39 millas por galón. Foto: Andrés O’Neill, Jr.


El Altima es un modelo de suma importancia para Nissan, especialmente en Estados Unidos ya que pertenece al muy reñido segmento de los autos medianos, el más popular allá. Por tanto, compite contra titanes de la industria y perennes campeones en ventas como el Toyota Camry y el Honda Accord y contra la recia dupla coreana compuesta por el Kia Optima y el Hyundai Sonata. Para el 2015, el Altima finalizó con casi 333,400 unidades vendidas en Estados Unidos.

Aunque el Altima ya lleva cinco generaciones, realmente fue el modelo de tercera generación que salió en el 2002 el que lo disparó en ventas. Antes de eso, el Altima no era un auto llamativo. Comenzó sus días como una continuación del desaparecido Nissan Stanza (de hecho, el modelo de primera generación del Altima tenía una pequeña pegatina en la parte trasera que decía “Stanza”).

La exitosa tercera generación que salió en el 2002, fue la que estableció al Altima como un competidor creíble en su segmento. Foto: Nissan
La exitosa tercera generación que salió en el 2002, fue la que estableció al Altima como un competidor creíble en su segmento. Foto: Nissan


El primer Altima tuvo un diseño demasiado conservador y lo mismo pasó cuando le llegó el turno del rediseño. La segunda generación fue igualmente sobria y no atrajeron buenas ventas. Fueron autos prácticamente invisibles en el mercado.

El modelo de primera generación tuvo un diseño demasiado sobrio. Foto: Nissan
El modelo de primera generación tuvo un diseño demasiado sobrio. Foto: Nissan


Al igual que se predecesor, el Altima de segunda generación tuvo un diseño muy insípido. Foto: Nissan
Al igual que se predecesor, el Altima de segunda generación tuvo un diseño muy insípido. Foto: Nissan


El exitoso modelo de tercera generación del Altima. Aún 14 años después de su lanzamiento, continúa luciendo bien.
El exitoso modelo de tercera generación del Altima. Aún 14 años después de su lanzamiento, continúa luciendo bien. Foto: Nissan

Eso cambió con el modelo de tercera generación, el que salió para el 2002. Su rediseño fue tan radical que impactó el mercado tan positivamente que el Altima por fin pudo arrancar como una fuerza en ventas en el segmento de los sedanos medianos. Tan bien diseñado estuvo, que cuando lo vi por primera vez en la edición del 2001 del auto show de Nueva York, creí que era un Infiniti. Mi sorpresa fue grande cuando vi la placa de “Altima” en la parte trasera.

Cuando le tocó el rediseño de cuarta generación, Nissan no quiso arriesgar su fórmula ganadora y le dio más o menos la misma apariencia. Fue un rediseño total, pero en vez de radical como el anterior, mantuvo muchos rasgos de su predecesor.

Para la quinta generación, la actual, el rediseño fue más sustancial y ahora con este cambio de mitad de ciclo que marca al modelo del 2016, la apariencia cambia tanto, que parece como si fuera un cambio generacional completo.

Los precios deesta nueva línea Altima 216 corren desde $27,995 por el modelo S hasta $39,410 por el SL mejor equipado.












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  6. „Vademecum zbieracza kamieni szlachetnych i ozdobnych” Ha! Ja takiej książki nie miaÅ‚em i nic mnie nie zainspirowaÅ‚o do tak szlachetnego hobby. MiaÅ‚em za to fioÅ‚a na punkcie samochodów i oddaÅ‚em koledze Å›licznie wydany “Atlas Motyli” w zamian za “PodrÄ™cznik kierowcy kat. B” z dokÅ‚adnie omówionÄ… budowÄ… Skody Octavii. Komentarz rodziców pominÄ™.A spodnie Just! Panie, Justy byÅ‚y najlepsze! (Najgorsze byÅ‚y Blue Jeansy, Odra jeszcze uszÅ‚a). Pewex, naturalnie, poza konkurencjÄ…. A BTW – kto pamiÄ™ta, skÄ…d wzięła siÄ™ nazwa Pewex?UkÅ‚ony!

  7. Wadilson, também sinto a mesma coisa, na verdade sinto que algumas garagens fizeram um trabalho maravilhoso e já outras nem tanto. Como agora pretendemos nós irmos até as garagens, creio que poderemos ter contato direto com todos esses motoristas, principalmente os de cooperativas e vans. Será um trabalho árduo, trabalhoso, mas com resultados compensatórios, tenho certeza disso.

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  9. I do not think that schools should be buying guns of any type any more than they want the students bringing guns to school. I am a staunch believer in the Second Amendment and believe that US Citizens should be allowed to buy and keep guns. However using guns for home defense is way different than using them in schools.

  10. Siddhartha to Govinda: “You know, my friend, that even as a young man…I came to distrust doctrines and teachers and to turn my back on them…wisdom is not communicable. The wisdom which a wise man tries to communicate always sounds foolish.”I have a tendency to fall in love with books and words and ways of thinking-but you so right. A kiss can convey something more than 350 Shakespearean sonnets.

  11. As far as unconstitutinality goes I don’t believe the political parties do a great job upholding it. However, the court – which is the final authority rather than you and I or the parties we currently support — has decided that the ACA is consititutional and Jindal has refused to comply. Can you find five specific examples where the court has overturned a policy of Obama’s?To say something is unconstitutional requires more than just you and I thinking it is.

  12. Supe de este proyecto pero no lo había visto tan al detalle, y desde luego no es que sean bonitas, que es Sugarbelle empieza a quedarse en mantillas!!De lo mejor que he visto, esa rana con esas bolas que parecen de verdad… es que te hago la ola!Eres una genia!! No blasfemes!! Gracias!!

  13. MetikalSVT That press realease was painful to read. The Panamera looks fantastic in person, although I’ve only seen a black one. That front end with it’s hexagonal grill is horrendous. The whole point of the 911 derrived stock front end is to emulate a rear engine placement, don’t slap a miniaturized GTR grill on it. Both cars could have been much better. February 25 2010 at 10:29 PM rate up rate down

  14. Sherry, I know we are sisters ( in Christ ), because I do the same thing!!! I wish I would very softly climb on my soapbox and say ever so kindly…but I just start turning over all those tables and running all those ” Holy Ones ” out of the Temple. You have, again written a beautiful, beautiful article that has touched my heart. God has blessed us so with your WINGS! Thank you, Vickie

  15. سلام من بدون هیچ مشکلی وارد بازی میشم داخل سرور ها هم میرم ولی همه خارجی هستن پینگ منم زیاد خوب نیست، سرور های ایرانی کی میان؟

  16. Proef de Herfst, een evenement georganiseerd door de Lionsclub Nijkerk. Opbrensgt voor Het Toon Hermanshuis Amersfoort.Een diner in wijngaard Aan De Breede Beek in Nijkerk. Een unieke locatie met een subliem culinair hoogstaand diner. De muziek van Jan van Til was bijzonder geslaagd, vele positieve reacties!! Rustig op de achtergrond zoals gewenst, nogmaals uitstekend. Op naar de volgende keer!!!! Echt een aanrader!

  17. “Have you ever been there before?” which makes me wonder if she is the mom. I mean, she could very well be, but given the kid’s age, wouldn’t a mom know? The reply of “lots of times” seems to cement this. So maybe woman # 1 is a babysitter or an aunt or something.Also, I don’t think the problem is the refusal – the question “What would you do there?” and the damning declaration “It’s just an art museum” are the real thorns in my side . Just a shade of “Matilda” where the dad says something along the lines of “What do you need books for, when we have a telly?”

  18. Again, the important distinction is between criticism and demonization.In your chosen blog content Radii, the same logic applies. There is nothing that renders a movement dismissable as demonization and exageration.

  19. Rocknee // May 2, 2009 at 3:28 pm He should be called the white, arab, black president (wab president).What’s that latest true data on the flu?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hi Rocknee,Are you looking for flu numbers, or what?

  20. “some old coot”Old? He sure doesn’t seem old to me. More like a young person who is taking instruction from the old or fanatically committed, but without enough general contact outside the set to know how ridiculous he sounds to regular people.As Witty might say “he only listens to the padres and the cadres”Might say? Hell, he did say it, it’s in quotes!Anyway, I vote young nut, but not far from the old tree. And oh, how the ziocaine sings Hatikvah in his veins after a couple of comments here.

  21. Ahh! jääpeili pitäsikin kaivaa jostian esiin, kiitos muistutuksesta. HHH-parka (!?) on saanut osakseen paljon parjausta, mikä osittain lienee suomalaista kateutta. Ei ole hyvä nostaa itseään esiin. Luin kirjailijan blogin kautta saamani kirjan ihan mielelläni, ei se mitään suurta kirjallisuutta mielestäni ole, mutta ihan kelpo esikoinen. Hieman enemmän olisi kustantaja voinut panostaa editointiin ja kenties vielä yksi kirjoituskierros olisi ollut paikallaan. Kova julkisuuskohina taisi kiirehtiä julkaisua liikaa?

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  30. I know that you have your reasons for opposing state police & that is not my bother but only the facts. When did lastma become police? Do they carry any arms/weapons? Have they powers of arrest or detention? The term ‘police’ is unambiguous, and Lastma’s functions doesn’t interlope with their’s, although they do joint patrols for precaution & safety.

  31. Believe me after having lived with my bf for 4 years and with a so called friend for 1 year I got back home: I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! Although the other evening I was very sad… and driving home I thought: it's such a good thing that I don't live on my own… and it's such a good thing that it's family awaiting me.

  32. So while the public health and safety risks of smoking while driving needs researched further, public health advocates would be wise not to simply dismiss this proposed legislation as unwarranted government intrusion into privacy rights. Actually, they would and I hope they do.

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  35. arg – yes! sometimes, if i am somewhere and make a suggestion, it happens, otherwise usually when people contact me, they are ready to make the change (or the designer has talked them into it).

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  37. there are many good people who are working in both policy development and service delivery in Government – some people have invested their lives in this work. But they have to work to Governments with a short (electoral) attention span, which doesn’t lend itself to the sort of in depth research, policy analysis and solutions we are talking about here. And the media only ever wants to see results.

  38. …that is actually the point of the latter half of this essayThat Obama's rise is a symptom of a deeper problem and getting him out alone won't fix thatthank you leah, ex-dissident, pessimist, Bill and KA

  39. Ich kann mich für Leber eigentlich nur in kleinen Portionen auf einem Salat oder als Farce erwärmen…obwohl ich ja gestehen muss, dass deine (also die von dir zubereitete ;o)) echt toll aussieht.

  40. I am a post-secondary student with ADD and a learning disability. I go to school in Alberta Canada. I try my best to keep my mind stable but at times, for example, when I get up at 4:00 am, my mind is racing so fast that I am unable to go to sleep. In addition, when I pick up a book and start reading then my body wants to go to sleep.Do you have ANY suggestions? I keep a regular sleep pattern and I eat healthy foods.Thanks Doc!Martin

  41. – Thanks Antonina. In many ways I do feel like this is day one of the rest of my life. Scotland is a wonderful place with so much to fall in love with and be inspired by, and I really hope you get to make it back there soon!

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  45. You should go to see the Grand Canyon in person. You can really learn some interesting things about yourself there. For instance, I always figured that I was more of a jumper than a pusher. But when I was at the Grand Canyon I could barely resist the temptation to push someone off the edge.

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  50. Quel bonheur de découvrir ces enseignements de ce père jésuite. Des paroles claires et bien explicitées qui m’aident à mieux comprendre tout mon malaise devant cet islam que l’Europe dans son coma spirituel et avec son discours « politiquement correct » ne parvient pas à discerner.J’ai un profond respect et beaucoup de gratitude pour tous ces catholiques qui parviennent encore à continuer de vivre en terre d’Islam.

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  54. I had an issue like this last week–the neighbor was throwing a loud party at 3am. My wife went over and said, “Babies don’t care if you slept 3 hours or not. They’re going to wake up hungry.” The neighbor was drunk and high, so I called the police, who came over and shut it down in 10 minutes. Good ol’ 5-0. We haven’t heard a PEEP from the neighbor since!

  55. I actually purchased the Cobra XRS 9445 for my wife. she loves it its very sensitive when it comes to any detection or radar beam being picked up In my area the police has gone while in cutting down on seat belts, cell phones and speeders. It lets her know way in advance who is gunning for her if when goes over the speed limit. Also I brought this item at a real bargain. I am hoping to get one for myself.

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  58. Move them to Israel.So, you seriously think anti-Semitism can be eliminated?Unlikely. the best thing that can happen – the police forces become effective enough to stop violent Anti-semitism. Other than that, I don’t think there is much hope.there is more hope for us, Jews, to become united.Shabbat Shalom.

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  61. Q grabde andy y todos los argentos!!! hay q tener huevos para estar tanto tiempo viviendo alla, aca se q esta para el orto todo pero me fui 3 meses y ya necesitaba de bs. as. imaginate varios años!!!!

  62. Yiassou dear Nana,Chronia pola!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and for the years to come, from the bottom of my heart i wish you health, joy and happiness for you and your loved ones.I do hope you will have my birthday card on time.Love and a big kiss,Rolf

  63. Kepler was employed to make more precise astrological tables, and in the process made very precise measurements of planetary motion. The European Renaissance and early Modern eras had many astrology followers and “technicians”. Newton was not unusual in his interest.NancyP

  64. EFB: Yeah, for sure, but I do love me some hummus. My only complaint is that it comes with a slice of ciabatta instead of some warm pita, which would be nice to scoop up all of the other salads!

  65. 336Tallennusvälineitä ei käytetä samalla tavalla yksioikoisesti lailliseen, ostoa korvaavaan kopiointiin kuten C-kasetteja. Tuota kopiointia on varsin vähän kokonaiskäytöstä. Sen vuoksi maksulle ei ole perusteita. Sitä paitsi maksua käytetään pääasiassa kulttuuritukena eikä hyvityksenä.Ongelma maksun pois anomisessa on sama kuin jos kenkiin asetettaisiin taksihyvitysmaksu, joka pitäisi anoa pois osoittamalla, ettei kenkien käyttö vähennä taksinkäyttöä.Maksua kerätään jo nyt täysin naurettavin perustein lainvastaiseen tarkoitukseen lainvastaisista asioista. Lisäksi se tuottaa tulokertymäänsä suurempaa kansantaloudellista haittaa.

  66. O meu nem sempre dá certo!! kkkkkkk… e o pior: sempre utilizando a mesma qtidade de ingredientes e o mesmo tempo!! hahahaha…. Como a Sylvia, tb não uso ovo, e minhas qtidades são menores, só preenchem 1/3 da caneca, senão derrama… ah! Tb não vi necessidade de untar a caneca, e solta direitinho, sendo q uso somente 1 colher de chá de margarina na massa, q é batida na própria caneca e 2 a 3 minutinhos de micro, e como vc diz, seja feliz!!PS: adorei a dica do fermento, vou testar!!Bjks e ótimo findi a todos!!!!! (e bolo de caneca no café da manhã preguiçoso do domingo!!)

  67. little moments that make your toes almost curl. And the team at Do Not Depart are really diving into Psalm 27 – it is NOT too late to jump in and join the Run2Him study (it’s never too

  68. thanks for the great post. It seems similar to creating a functional outline at the outset though I’ve also had my students produce a functional outline after the text has been written.A colleague of mine told me of a peer review step you can use that’s similar to this. He has his students chop their paper into its paragraphs and asks the peers to see if they can figure out the correct order. Students then get a sense of the function or lack thereof of each paragraph.

  69. I definitely think you’re right about being more likely to pick up familiar accents and influences, which is another reason why I think many people are surprised to find themselves mimicking (more subtly, of course) accents or mannerisms that are not as familiar. I love that Canadian ‘eh’ :)I never got tired of that Pittsburgh “entrance”.

  70. Overall RatingFoodServiceAtmospherePrice/ValueRomanceSuitable for ChildrenBe Sure to Try: The pizza was actually quite good.General tips: We got there at about 11:30 and sat upstairs and had a quiet relaxing lunch. By the time we were done, there was a HUGE line, and seating was getting hard to find.TheMouseForLess tips: If you get a salad and a pizza, you could probably split the meal to save on money.Extra Comments: We chose this place just for the name. We were pleasantly surprised!

  71. Kelly–I loved your first post in your blog!!! You are a very special person and I am glad to have met you this summer—I am looking forward to many more times with my new friends from Coach Joan’s Class!!!Kim

  72. Recently I have taken to making salad rolls of crisp lettuce, Bega cheese, sliced tomato, sliced and chopped Spanish onion and/or roast beef or shaved ham topped with either mayonnaise or wholegrain mustard. Good stuff.Watched Miss Fischer etc last night. I knew I’d enjoy it, but I liked it even more than I thought I would. Also liked the new Luther. Spring-heeled Jack – now there’s a character. If he existed at all and is not just Victorian mythology.

  73. 6 janvier 2011 Pas mal comme idée. En plus la premiere photo est très sympa.Moi aussi je cherchai un projet, j’avais pensé à la figurine, mais je n’avais pas d’idée de figurine. Du coup je fais un 365 (en essayant de privilégier la qualité – quitte à sauter des jours)

  74. Adam,You highlight some good points. In addition to transparency, I would like to suggest that compilers create a sort of feedback loop with customers with whom they are sharing the reports. The lack of feedback loop or a channel to further probe into the vulnerability leaves the customers to decipher the report on their own without having an intimate knowledge of the product design or the how the report was compiled. Thanks,Saqib

  75. MB – then the community needs to get together to throw out all the legislators and judges in their area, the school superintendent, and the Principal, then they need to shut down access to any law office that brings suit on such a case, to run them out of town.We need to send a message to the GOVERNMENT, not to harmless children.

  76. Na minha opinião, caso se estableça em Tiblissi um governo que não hostilize a Rússia, esta tentará convencer as províncias rebeldes a retornarem à Georgia.Penso que será um trunfo de peso que Moscovo guarda para vir a ter um governo georgiano aliado.CumptsManuel Santos

  77. Thank you for every one of your work on this web page. Ellie delights in working on research and it’s easy to see why. A number of us know all about the lively mode you provide priceless guidance by means of your web site and therefore welcome contribution from other individuals about this subject matter then my simple princess is always becoming educated so much. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You have been doing a very good job.

  78. Κεντάει, όπως πάντα!Αλλά εγώ νομίζω ότι η προσφορά διαφήμισης ήταν ιδέα τίποτα πασοκάνθρωπων… που διαβάζουν Αντι για να φρενάρουν κυρίως τον Αρχαίο.Αυτός έχει χτυπήσει κέντρο με τις έρευνές του.Θα πρότεινα συνδρομές των σχολιαστών για μια επιτόπια δημοσιογραφική έρευνα στο Ζug ας πούμε ή στα υποθηκοφυλάκεια στο Chi.City…

  79. The rocks could be trail markers. I’ve seen piles of rocks on the peaks of mountains in the Adirondacks in New York, typically on the rock faces, since there aren’t trees to nail the trail markers. That’s my two cents!

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  81. *Contribution Margin Per unit= CM/U *Contribution Margin Ratio= CMR *Fixed Cost = FC First, you find the CM/U by subtracting the unit variable cost from the selling price.This would be: $ 60 – $ 27 = $ 33 CM/U= $ 33 Now, find the monthly fixed cost $ 1500 + $ 200 + $ 2000 = $ 3700 per month FC= $ 3700 Next, divide the FC by CM/U to find your Break-even point in number of lawns. $ 3700 / $ 33= 112 rounded Now, to find the Break-even point in dollars you need to compute the contribution margin ratio: Divide the CM/U by the unit selling price $ 60 $ 33/$ 60= 55% Finally, Divide the FC by CMR to obtain the Break-even point in $ . $ 3700/.55= $ 6727 rounded

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  83. Una pista para el estudiante de QB, creo que esa entrada en contra del desplegado y defensa del gordito (HGM) fue escrita por alguno de los “críticos asalariados” de Pedro Ortega (Carlos Moncada o Armando Zamora). Lo anterior se nota en el manejo de la información “confidencial” de la Junta Universitaria.

  84. C’est quoi le CCCFD-Terre Solidaire?  Des Chrétiens qui ont troqué la Bible contre le Capital et qui ose encore se prétendre Chrétiens!Je me suis arrêté au bout de 30 secondes. Ecouter une journaliste qui pose des questions et qui met la réponse qu’elle souhaite entendre dans ces questions c’est insupportable.Â

  85. ad evere LETTO quanto riportato da wikipedia a proposito del calendario maya e del 21/12/2012, hai provato a CAPIRE cosa ci sta scritto?Nessuno, credo, mette in dubbio che questa data abbia un certo significato nel calendario maya (o almeno in UNO dei calendari maya, leggiti TUTTA la faccenda, forse lo capirai), ma da qui a profetizzare la fine del mondo o catastrofi varie ce ne passa un bel po’!!!!!

  86. It's very easy to claim after the fact that he was joking. Maybe he was – maybe he wasn't. But in this case especially, where the "joker" potentially faces life in prison, you have to proceed with caution.If Manning really did kill himself? What a nightmare… of conspiracy theories, murder accusations, you name it.Hmmm… kind of makes me wonder. In terms of p.r., the Manning folk would get far more mileage out of a dead martyr. So… they want the Marines to ignore the suicide threat? Hmmmm….

  87. J’ai chopé la première paire du magasin chez Olivier car je les attendais depuis quelques semaines déjà. J’ai couru en MR10 et MT10 de chez NB avant. Habitué donc à courir avec 4mm de drop et malgré tout il m’a fallu 2 à 3 séances et quelques courbatures aux mollets pour m’y faire mais depuis ce n’est que du bonheur. Ma foulée a même quelque peu évolué, notamment à allure vive avec un talon qui remonte plus haut qu’avant et me donne plus d’impulsion. Merci NB !

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  89. Thanks for your insights into this stuff.LOts of nisleading claims.I could not find a website for Life Renewal HGH or a place to purchase.Any suggestions.Keep the articles coming and thanks again.PS Isn’t anterior pituitary a primary for HGH release or just amino acids?

  90. I have posted a rather long answer to Environmental Action’s stated question “Why does the nuclear industry bother?” on the Atomic Insights blog. Since I do not speak for the nuclear industry, the post is titled . Please do me the honor of providing feedback if you have any comments.

  91. Good point, Teri. I’m ahead of you. I emailed Stove Team a couple of days ago and am still waiting to hear from them. Also visited Aprovecho’s website to check out the possibilities. Two of the top makers of efficient stoves for use in developing countries located right there in the Eugene area. What are the odds?

  92. I purchased the SEO Elite for my business, which is a discount fragrance business, and it has not done anything for me so far, so whatever you do DO NOT use that. I finally went with a company called First Page SEO that specializes in search engine optimization and was told the best way to get your page optimized is to pay someone to professionally do it and they were reasonably priced. Hope this helps!

  93. Em Santa Rita do Passa Quatro (terra natal desse merda), conta-se cada histórinha, uma mais picante que a outra. Dizem as más línguas, que depois do matinho queimado, o furioso sujava os ….. dos moços, lá atrás do sanatório. E hoje transformou-se nesse homenzarrão violento……não é mesmo barbuim, mauro, kojak e tantos outros?

  94. I thought you’d be interested in knowing that we Usability-tested 4 students to compared Angel, Blackboard, Moodle and eCollege. Students prefer Moodle to other LMS’s. So for colleges that are looking to decide what alternative LMS they could use after the Blackboard-Angel acquisition, our usability test show students are likely to recommend and feel more comfortable with Moodle.

  95. 4Gyerek, Nagyon etette magát :)) Eper nélkül is meg lehet sütni, úgy is finom, de persze eperrel a legjobb ;))Anyukám múlt héten volt Marosszentannán, a házigazdák már eperrel kínálták. Nálunk meg már 3 hete eper szezon van.

  96. Ihr seid mit der App sicherlich der Zeit noch ein bisschen voraus, aber wenn man sieht, wieviele Non-Geeks heute zum Beispiel Facebook täglich nutzen und mit einem Smartphone rumlaufen, sehe ich da eine reelle Chance die Menschen damit zuerreichen und zum Mitmachen zu bewegen.Ich frage mich nur, wie ihr die Non-Geeks generell auf die RundShow aufmerksam machen wollt, was erstmal die Eingangsvoraussetzung ist!

  97. Luisa Monteiro comentou em 25 de agosto de 2011 às 16:17. Julia, tentei fazer o make da Kristen esse final de semana, mas não ficou tão legal quanto o seu! O meu olho, por ser muito redondo, na hora que junto o traço do delineador dos cílios de cima com os de baixo, acaba ressaltando ainda mais esse meu traço e acabei ficando com um olho redondo de panda! Hahaha! O que posso fazer pra deixar meus olhos mais “amendoados”?Mil beijos!

  98. that every step was the last, not the first.Again, try a thought experiment. Say you had to show ID to buy gasoline, beer, or go to an r rated movie- and have your name and purchase written down for the State to check up on when it liked. Explain to me how this tiny inconvenience would be just fine for "you" drivers, drinkers, and movie fans.

  99. Båstads skattebetalare är de lyckliga. Halmstads sitter fortfarande och funderar på kanindansare, Cp-imitatörer och önskar att Hassan Charka hade stannat vid sina pizzor.

  100. Thanks for ones marvelous posting! I really enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and will often come back in the future. I want to encourage you continue your great posts, have a nice evening!

  101. In Northern Virginia Bishop Louverde’s letter could either be read aloud or put in the bulletin. In my parish they read most of it after communion. It was pretty powerful, it addressed abortion and also the HHS mandate. I hope it helps people make a good decision. Last election there were lots of Obama-Biden bumper stickers in the parking lot. This time there are still some but not as many.

  102. Thank you for taking the time to blog and inspire me. Brought tears to my eyes today in the few things I have read including your “about” of this blog. I will be a follower. Much love, blessings and success to you. ((hug))

  103. Hi Martin, thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions. We will consider your suggestions along with other improvements planned for recipe feature later this year.Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you again.

  104. Corina, mersi de recomandarea cu cappuccino. :DNu sunt genul de persoană căreia să îi placă marea… căldura, nisipul, nu mă încântă. Dacă s-ar putea să mă izolez în munÈ›i la răcoare vara, ar fi perfect. :lol:La fructele de mare cred că am È™i alergie, ar fi ciudat să am la atâtea È™i la fructe de mare nu. Iar cărÈ›ile mele necitite nici măcar nu au titlu… înafara de una, care e exact titlul logului meu.

  105. “Télérama” de cette semaine consacre un dossier à la Culture et aux projets des candidats dans ce domaine. Un rapide survol me conforte, malheureusement, dans l’idée qu’ils s’en foutent tous peu ou prou. Rien que des formules et des promesses convenues, rien de convaincant sur le développement des nouveaux modes de consommation de culture (internet, MP3, etc.)Mais je vais analyser plus en détail…pour ne pas rester sur cette impression négative

  106. please fix the youtube layout, it really sucks right now, why did you have to change it? has never changed because it does the job and people are comfortable with it, why fuck up youtube?Id really like a good awnser to this.

  107. I like this idea, guys. Good job taking the initiative.About the "lights off" color scheme on videos: Would you be open to preserving that scheme for future use, even after Earth Hour is complete? My eyes are fairly sensitive to bright lights, and it's a lot easier on my eyes to use the "lights off" scheme. Please consider it. =)

  108. Il risentimento è colpa vostra che siete brutti e non ve la danno, I ragazzi beta sono pallosi e sfigati, i ragazzi alfa invece danno taaaaaaante emozioni e brividini lì in basso, soprattutto quando sparano a caso sulla folla. Ecco a voi le prime aspiranti fidanzate di James Holmes, il killer della prémiere di Batman!

  109. HiI have just read you great review and had a question that I am not sure if you have answered.If you are running with the foot pod and the gps.I have have recently had a run where a part of the trip was underground and my Garmin Forerunner 305 didnt switch to the foot pod automatic. I now some of the newer Garmin does that. What do this Polar do?

  110. I always learn something from this blog – thank you.I had no idea that’s how George Soros escaped the fate of 2/3 of the Jewish population in Europe. I was disgusted by the man before – now I’m truly sick to my stomach. What a callous, sociopath George Soros is. If Elie Wiesel were willing, I would love to see the two of them have a “discussion.” Elie Wiesel feels guilt for just surviving the Holocaust and this piece of human garbage feels no guilt for profiting from it?

  111. carlos15 de dezembro de 2010Realmente a única reclamação é com os horários dos shows. Podiam diminuir o número de bandas e começar mais tarde. Ninguém chega às 18h00 numa sexta pra ver banda de rock desconhecida. Por favor.Se a idéia é justamente expor e mostrar tais bandas, de que adianta colocá-las para tocar para ninguém.Tá dado o recado

  112. So true, Sandra. I was reading about adult beginners learning a musical instrument and how they practise for 1-2 hourse each day. It made me think about photography and how though it may be fun we also need to give it a time commitment to discover where it can take us.

  113. Poor thing!On a serious note, you had a valid point about being concerned with what the ER docs would think/say since you were just in for broken bones. It’s sad that when children have accidents, one of the first things we think about is what the doctors will say. I can’t but think it either every time my kid gets a bruise.

  114. На самом деле ни один модем 3g не развивает скорость более 3,7 мбит *236*4# набираем и на самом деле скорость 3,7 мбит есть но только ночью и примерно до 10 утра потом понижается абоненская плата 700 рублей в месяц трафик 10 гигов по моему не плохо.Если у вас нет нормальной скорости то скорее всего в вашей местности нет 3G сигнала.

  115. I adore these cookies. I'm not a baker or a cookie maker, but these would be delicious with a scoop or two of sorbet. I can imagine they are perfect to make with children. The dental floss idea also works when slicing a log of goat cheese. It's amazing what tools you can find in your home when you look around. Hope you are having a great weekend Mary.Sam

  116. mah, onestamente…se a me dovessero chiedere di realizzare l'illustrazione di copertina di un libro (jacket, double spread, wraparound o quel che l'è), il prezzo oscillerebbe tra un minimo di 500 (giusto per…) a un massimo di 2000 (magari!)i prezzi che dite voi, sono prezzi da truffatori del mondo del lavoro e nulla hanno a che vedere con gli editori per come li conosco io. ;)per questo a me questo sembra il solito discorso qualunquista da bar.

  117. I understand. I’m not on Facebook (lost friends from high school are lost for a reason and should remain that way), but we have exchanged one or two emails in the past. Would that work?

  118. Напишите ваш комментарий Вы можете использовать здесь HTML теги и атрибуты: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong> 

  119. Muy bueno Galo!! hay muchas empresas/organizaciones que están dejando pasar este “train” y cuando se den cuenta, será demasiado tarde.Aunque, por otro lado… entiendo la dificultad, en algunos sectores, de formar a sus empleados en nuevas tecnologías. Pero las empresas que quieran estar delante, tienen que apostar por ello.Abrazo.

  120. Nice article; heck of a lot better than anything the Chron puts out.  The San Francisco Chronicle being the journalistic equivalent of the Blue Hose football team, however, that’s not so difficult. Nonetheless, good job.

  121. Una admiradora más (de los tantísimos que ya tienes)de tu trabajo, te envío un saludo afectuoso y espero tener mucha suerte en este sorteo tan generoso que haces.Besos!Aída AlanísMorelia, México.

  122. Mappa! Fint. Hehe, jo. Tänkte mer på ett könstneutralt ord i stil med förälders förälders syskon, eller en bra översättning av Great Aunt (som kan vara både gammelfaster och gammelmoster) för att vara specifik. En sån kunde jag inte komma på.

  123. Thanks for taking the time to talk about this, I really feel strongly about it and appreciate knowing extra on this topic. If feasible, as you acquire expertise, would you thoughts updating your blog with much more details? It is very helpful for me.

  124. I want to learn how to make wire bangles too! I guess you could apply the same concept to rings as well. One of my cousins loves big chunky rings and asked if I could make anything like that, I had to say no for now, but I’ll see what I can do!

  125. In the Uk, we celebrate mothers day in March, so its been and gone for me. I feel similarly to Traci, my relationship with my mother makes it hard to be one of those special days. I buy the card, the gift, but its almost robotic, not much thought goes into it. I know she did the best she could, but looking at my friends and their mothers I feel like I’ve been denied what should be a very significant relationship. And thats hard to forgive.

  126. I heard about it through my email. I’m just so excited! What a great time I’ve had visiting everyone’s blogs and checking out all their “stuff”. I don’t blog so the whole experience was new for me. (‘course I didn’t get much sewing done as I spent so much time looking at everyone else’s work!!!) Thank you so much for sponsoring this fun time and great give-away! Thanks for the chance to win.

  127. Hi there would you mind letting me know which webhost you’re using? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 completely different internet browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot quicker then most. Can you recommend a good internet hosting provider at a fair price? Thanks, I appreciate it!

  128. an MAO inhibitor such as atazanavir (Reyataz), nelfinavir (Viracept), saquinavir (Invirase), and others; or seizure (convulsions). Avoid drinking alcohol. It can lower blood cells that help your body absorb less of the skin or eyes); bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle weakness; easy bruising or bleeding, fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms, confusion, or pain, warmth, or redness your

  129. Jennifer,Congratulations on both your NYT and mentions this week! I know you must be thrilled!My new blog ( will be up later this week. Right now it is up but it is actually still under construction. The learning curve is huge, between the pictures, photoshop, etc. You do a wonderful job and I certainly enjoy keeping up with your food life!I’m toasting you from Augusta, Ga., with a glass of sav blanc. You are really rockin’ out!Karin

  130. Bonjour je m appelle Adama Cissoko, j’habite à Boulogne Billancourt dans un 30 mètres carré pour 7. J ai 12 ans et je vous appelle à l aide maime si mes parents de me le dise pas je compren qu on a plus les moyens de se nourrir et nous ne pouvont plu payé les factures d électriciter et les impos. Nous n avons pas de chaufage et il fait froua. Nous n avons pas d ordinateur et j ai envoyer ce SOS avec l ordinateur de un ami. Pouver vous m aidé meusieu Abdel Wassim El WhaniO revoir

  131. Bonjour Nadji,C'est un superbe hommage que tu rends à Micky avec sa très belle verrine de crabes aux agrumes.Tu l'a vraiment réussie. Ses couleurs sont les couleurs d'été, les couleurs qu'aimaient Micky.Une délicieuse verrine pleine de fraîcheur et de savoureux ingrédients.Excellente semaine,Bises,Patricia – La Table de Pénélope

  132. Arrète (sans ‘s’ puisque verbe du 1er groupe) de te miner comme cela …Ce genre “bévue” ça fait partie de toi et les gens le savent ;)Tout finira par s’arranger pour le meilleur et pour le pire, dans la joie et le bonne humeur, …alleluiaps : les pots cassés cela se recolle avec Super Glue 5 😉

  133. Le nombre publié initialement donnait (environ) 0,00017 € par km.passager de la SNCF, si on voulait éponger la dette sur un an !Une paille (paillette…)La réalité est plus délicate : cela ferait 0,17 € par km.passagerSoit, pendant une année, une augmentation de 85 € (env.) sur le trajet Paris – Lyon (qui est vendu entre 30 et 100 € en 2nde, selon les trains)Une poutre !

  134. Hi Mary-Lou & John,We are glad to have you along for the ride. We are having an amazing time and the obstacles are all part of the adventure. We are on the ferry to Nova Scotia as I reply and we are enjoying the down time. Looking forward to seeing you in Toronto!Hal & Wendy

  135. Ich habe etwas früher bereits noch einen anderen Beitrag zu geschrieben. Was ich dort heraus gefunden habe, hat mich echt Traurig gemacht. Deshalb habe ich vor kurzem sogar einen Leserbrief an die Weltwoche geschrieben, um den Jargon dieser Wochenblattschreiber zu hinterfragen.

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  137. All of them? You’re going to hold every last Palestinian responsible? Are you going to explain to me how the entire Palestinian nation managed to get into and out of a secured perimeter with cameras, sensors and guards to kill one random settler family? Heck, I’d settle for you proving that even one of them managed that, but I think I made my point about your lynch mob mentality.

  138. Juste une rectification , la décoration intérieure aussi est conçu par une entreprise turque , les lustres ; les tapis et aussi les mosaïques , histoire d’un bon rapport qualité – prix ni plus ni moins , mais c’est les algériens qui ont donné le plus pour cette mosquée car nos frères marocains s’occupent de construire une autre mosquée à Belfort que allah leur revient en aide eux aussi .

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  140. girlfriend/mother/lover/wife/dog… If you don’t know, read Gino’s Blog about it here or on Elnashra (Arabic). However no blogger has taught you how to prevent this hijacking and

  141. …………………………..Anon is right Anon (I get so confused when its – dude what is happening there directly effects us, and if we were under attack, wouldn’t you want someone somewhere standing up for your rights?

  142. Julien19 juillet 2010Il me faudrait en savoir plus sur le genre d’informations que tu veux récupérer et ce que tu veux en faire.Par contre ton Drupal et ton autre base sont bien du même type ? Car il n’est pas possible de changer de driver de base de données. Si ton Drupal utilise du mysql ton autre base devra être aussi en mysql.

  143. It was a random thread on a forum for some video game I can’t even remember. They were basically dumping random creepypastas, although they referred to them as scary stories. I was young back then, and one of the stories (Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv) creeped me out so much that I searched the title, and that’s were I learned the word creepypasta. Now, I loved scary stories even back then, so I decided to dig deeper into the meme. I actually found this site that same day!VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

  144. J’ai envie de te dire d’être toi à 200% ! Personnellement je ne te connais pas vraiment, quelques photos de toi, quelques tribulations de ta vie de parisienne, des articles toujours aussi géniaux, mais Capucine, la fille de 20 ans, je ne la connais pas et remarque c’est normal, tu vis dans la capitale, moi dans le sud. Mais bon soit toi même, je continuerais à te lire promis ;)Tous pleins de bisous la miss 😉 Un bisou ensoleillé qui vient du sud ^^Indi’

  145. I don't like the new chanell design.My chanell contains mainly playlists (and that's because of stupid <10min limitation), and now with new design everything seems mixed up.Is there some way to return old design? It's not a problem that you changed design, it's just that in new design it's harder for visitor to find what he wants.

  146. RI-Providence, The story of Smith & Nephew is one about people—inextricably linked to patients and to each other through a shared purpose of helping improve people’s lives. As a global medical device company, we focus on repairing and healing the human body by developing and marketing innovative products in three medical specialties: Orthopaedics, Endoscopy and Advanced Wound Management This position is in our A Was this answer helpful?

  147. This is a wonderful delicate lettuce and served with avocado and mango would really bring the flavor of this salad up a notch. I know it's almost Winter but, this would be a perfect summer salad here in Florida. Avocados and mangoes grow abundantly in South Florida.

  148. Esto ya exite en otros paises y es una idea genial! Vivo en Helsinki desde hace 3 años y compartimos una tienda 1o diseñadores. Somos una cooperativa, cada uno trabaja en la tienda dos días al mes y nos dividimos las responsabilidades. Lo único que es externo es la contabilidad. Os lo cuento por si da ideas! Mucha suerte!

  149. Kattokaa, mäki tein tunnukset!Juu teevalintojen kohdalla pitää koittaa petrata. Itsekin oon mustan teen ystävä, juon kyllä paljon vihreetä ja valkoistakin. Probleema on, että mun aamiaissuosikki-tee on Liptonin Persian Earl Grey, siinä kun yhdistyy mun kaksi lempparia eli jasmiini-tee että earl grey. Osaaks Noora tai joku muu sanoa löytyiskö mistään eettisemmästä merkistä samantyylistä miksausta?Kiitti Noora kiinnostavasta tee-asiasta!

  150. Les photos de Vanessa pour Chanel sont sublimes et pourtant tu te les es réappropriées, dans ton monde magique où trois corolles rouges font une révérence à une longue dame en noir.Je te fais un baise-main et signe Dédé Manoukian de la Nouvelle Star ou je te fais un gros bisou et signe Eli ?

  151. 25 julio, 2007Anónimocuando activo el smtp del antivirus AVG, recibo este mensaje, si no lo activo no me llega nada y ademas me llega el mensaje que me evia el programa como archivo adjunto"De: AVG for EmailFecha: 09/22/06 16:53:00Para: Asunto: Undelivered Mail Returned to SenderEste es el programa Analizador de correo AVG.El mensaje que aparece a continuaciónno pudo llegar a uno o más destinos.——————————————————————-: MAIL FROM:<ANT> domain not accepted——————————————————————-El mensaje de correo se incluye en la siguiente parte de estemensaje.Si necesita ayuda, envíe un mensaje de correo electrónico a ."  

  152. So beautiful Mandy…love Tilda all dressed up,so pretty… and little miss attitude makes me smile everytime.Thanks for sharing with us at ‘Make it Monday’Luv CHRISSYxxDon’t forget. .if you leave a comment on another entrant, mention that you saw their card on ‘Make it Monday’ for a chance at second prize.. the more you comment on and mention MIM, the more chances at winning second prize.

  153. ¡Enhorabuena, David!Desde luego, no has dejado de sorprenderme desde que leo tu blog… pero esta vez ha sido la que más tiempo me ha dejado con la boca abierta.Que sepas que te sigo los pasos. Me gusta la gente que tiene visión de futuro y crea tendencias.¡Sigue así!Un saludo

  154. Hi,I am not certain whether this is the correct place for this, but I have a question …We can not figure out what the current design on your Google homepage is. Our guesses include maracas or tulips. Anybody know? It’s been driving us nuts!Thanks!Chris

  155. 21aGoogle’s competitors have another option – Use the data from and add their own turn by turn software. Tele Atlas and NavTeq will be the only ones left out in the cold.The “less than free” model is a natural extension of Google’s search technology, which though impressive, has been imitated. Google’s _real_ strength is it’s ad business, which makes money giving something for free. The map paradigm is the same – making money giving something for free.3 dd 45

  156. Am very happy to hv found this site i dnt always believe in all this,bt wit peoples comments i believe u for urgently seekin for a job in P.H ,i ve Bsc in marketin this 5yrs on nothin yet pls i beg u in the name of God help me am dying of thoughts.thanks alot

  157. Ik ben 11 en weeg 60 kgIk ben zelf ook naar de GGD geweest.En ze zeiden dat ik geen overgewicht heb.Want ik ben ook stevigIk zit op Wedstrijdzwemmen.Ik weeg zoveel omdat ik heel veel spieren hebIk heb 2 hele mooie broeken maar die pas ik niet door mijn bovenbenen dus daar wil ik wat vet verliezen.Zodat ik ze weer aan kan.Ik ga deze tips uitproberen

  158. I’m impressed, I must say. Really rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. Your idea is outstanding; the issue is something that not enough people are speakin

  159. Kevin,I like Eva was expecting a turn around to the story and this was a good samaritan organization. But, alas, in the American spirit of ambulance chasing lawyers he represents the bottom of the slime pit. But at least you gave him something to tell his ferret at dinner that night because no one else would have him.Joel

  160. Buenas Juan,Me llamo Angel y soy un ganadero que compro hace 8 años un tractor Massey Ferguson Modelo MF 4355 (4WD) que tiene la contraseña e11*74/150*0052, el arco de seguridad me dificultaba el realizar la labranza alrededor y le corte 40cm de altura al arco , el arco de seguridad es GKN SANKEY , que es el arco homologado para este tractor modelo 1100. ¿Que puedo hacer para pasar la ITV? ¿se puede realizar un informe por un tecnico competente? para validad la modificación que he realizado al arco de seguridad o ¿tengo que comprar uno nuevo?.

  161. De Phil : « Que vient faire Genet dans cette histoire ? » Il se trouve que Goytisolo l’a bien connu, ce dont il a témoigné dans des écrits, des conférences, etc. Du reste, bien des choses les rapprochaient.

  162. Jim Ambrose August 27, 2012 Great show, and yes, VERY refreshing to have someone address the problems that our military faces without boring us to death with a power point presentation that most are not going to listen to anyway. Lots of good life lessons and laughs. Thanks again!

  163. Wonderful post, as usual, and loaded with hard earned lessons in humility. You seem able to find the shortest route to the core of of the cancer experience. Such felicity! If only the Queen and Prince knew the company they were keeping. Thank you. I completely understand your decision to forego maintenance therapy.

  164. Yeah, I’m not very up to speed on the different feather variations. Something I need to work on but thanks for the correction. As for the uncomfortable and gawky appearance I’m not seeing it with this one but I can see that with the Microraptor.

  165. I was wondering what you were going to do with the kids.And yes, let your parents pee in the dark. The only people who really need to see to pee are little boys, and they’re not watching, anyway — unless they are watching the mess they’re making.Have fun with your parents!!!

  166. i want what belongs to me be reinstated, i had to give my greendot and ebay prepaid cards to friends because they thought i wasn’t who i am! and now my friends are penalized also. i am not going to give them a phto id-proof of social security numbers and an electric bill to prove who am/hence i can’t use my ebay bucks without it!!! Pissed OFF!

  167. Thanks Danny for that great review, you’ll never guess what happens behind close doors, some women are simply gullible and stupid, they would kill for their men! I’m happy you love the story, can you do me a favour and post your review on Amazon? That would go a long way. Thank you so much my dear friend.Cheers-:)

  168. I'm glad you're angry at Tony.I've been angry at him for quite some time – and I have never met either of you.Anger is a 'normal' part of grieving… so is guilt.You're doing just fine. Better than fine. Much, much better… xxx

  169. Ja, hoppla vad tiden gÃ¥r fort! Jag har en hel hög med böcker pÃ¥ gÃ¥ng och läser bland annat De ickesynliga av Fredrik Härén och lyssnar pÃ¥ Marjaneh Bakhtiaris Kan du säga schibbolet? Det där med tid till läsning är lite värre.. Gratulerar i förskott till bröllopet förresten! 🙂

  170. I have learned result-oriented things via your website. One other thing I’d really like to say is the fact newer computer system os’s are inclined to allow additional memory to get used, but they also demand more memory space simply to operate. If someone’s computer can’t handle much more memory and the newest software requires that storage increase, it may be the time to buy a new Personal computer. Thanks

  171. I actually wanted to post a brief message so as to say thanks to you for these nice suggestions you are placing on this site. My time-consuming internet investigation has at the end been rewarded with wonderful points to write about with my neighbours. I would point out that many of us website visitors are definitely endowed to be in a fantastic place with many marvellous individuals with useful pointers. I feel somewhat happy to have seen the site and look forward to so many more excellent moments reading here. Thank you again for all the details.

  172. Some People are like “Who Cares if its a Fake” I agree, but at the same time disagree. The Reason are because. Some Fakes are Made very Poorly & Look really sloppy, but then again some fakes look really good & can barely tell the defference. All I’m saying is that.. If you are going to buy a Fake get one that’s not sloppy & Not 2 noticable. [: Also, The fakes are a really good buy 2, but sometimes people sell them saying there real & it turns out 2 be a fake. That’s was I hate.. So watch out! [:

  173. Hilma disse:meus 15 anos foi comemorado com o Chá de Beleza.Mas em meus convites eu coloquei como sugestões ,além de cosméticos,lingerie,biquinis,saídas de praias, cds, bijouterias,porta-treco,porta-jóias,porta-retrato, necesserie,acessórios. E como prenda coloquei para elas:me darem conselhos,cantar minha canção favorita,desfilar,…e nada de prendas perversas .Foi muito divertido!!

  174. ” I’m going to send you an updated version of this script that allows you have the results emailed to you without the part about storing the page as a website on an IIS server”Hi Chris,Can you email me the same code where the report is not getting stored but being mailed directly…Thanksmansin

  175. Christi on I hate to be a bummer but if you read “Nourishing Traditions,” you’ll see how…Mary on Those look yummy! I will need to write this recipe down. I am not…Janet on

  176. Mario, es irrelevante porque estás confundiendo ahora mismo transgénicos con Monsanto. Si hablamos exclusivamente de multinacionales que patentan transgénicos, llevas razón, pero no la llevas en la discusión porque javijevi no estaba hablando de Monsanto, sino de transgénicos en general.

  177. ruhlmanwe’ll take victories any place we can get them.“Note to Eric Mangini – the best time to beat Super Bowl teams – is in the Super Bowl…”They’ll go undefeated the rest of the way, and be the AFC champs, but more importantly, will beat the Steelers!

  178. This took me a while, but thank you for the training here in S. Cal. I am still fairly new to the world of ministry and NPO’s. Your training and the help of Mission Increase has been vital, as I learn my way.I also want to say that your passion as a pastor comes through at each training. I usually leave filled spiritually. I came to learn about fundraising, but instead learned about my passion. Makes sense, it should not be a bout $.Thank you again

  179. ANIMAL WARS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just like my famous Dessert Wars! It’s basically the same thing just about animals. DOGS:___________________________________ CATS: Cakepops I dont wanna write ‘em all… Just comment what ya wanna be.

  180. आमची यु.पी.एस.सी ची पोरे स्टडी सर्कल मधली फ़ार मिष्किल अन मार्मिक असतात, एकाने त्यांचे “महाराष्ट्र माझा” हे हवाई फ़ोटोंचे पुस्तक पाहीले अवलोकले अन त्याच्यावर कंसात महाराष्ट्र माझा (सातव्या आस्मानातुन!!!!) असे लिहिले होते लॉल्झ!!!!!

  181. Caro AgostinhoGrato pelo seu comentárioA minha lembrança dos «restos» desta Exposição são também o Espelho de Água, e o Museu de Arte Popular.Também me seria impossível lembrar de mais pois nasci em 1958 …Cheguei a ir a uma feira (julgo do artesanato), em criança com os meus pais, e que lá se realizava nos anos 60.Um abraçoJosé Leite

  182. Why anyone would listen to the crooks in Washington is beyond me? Google is 100% correct to not censor the internet and should allow the terrorist videos. I have seen some of those videos and it has given me a better understanding of whats going on, without the amateur videos we would all be clueless as to whats really going on over in Iraq. Everyone has to fight crooks like Lieberman to keep the internet a free system.

  183. I’d do months ago. (Remember that?) I saw that you asked me in a post after I first offered, but I noticed it after the day had come and gone. Oops. Anyway, I’m still willing to write one, so feel free to contact me.Also, good post, Alison. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  184. hey steve, one of the problems with these threads is that the direction of a personal message is easily misread.maria nunes knows perfectly that “mossad hyena” was meant for her and no one else.sorry if you got sprayed simply by being in vicinity.

  185. I have heard this happen in excess of a number of instances to generally be honest, I feel individuals are best of picking a neighborhood freelancer or least a single which resides in their very own country, like that these are obeyed with the exact same laws. No police will knock over a door of someone who lives in another place.

  186. to have authority. What the Nuremburg trials said was the the victors could use show trials to justify killing the losers.We should have just decided who we wanted dead and shot them out of hand. It would have been more honest, it would have muddied the waters of international law less. The consequence of the Nuremburg trials has been a lot of World Court bullsh*t, and little else.end rant

  187. Y mientras, un juez es sentado en el banquillo por los corruptos amiguetes del dinosaurio franquista, por intentar recuperar la memoria histórica.Jamás va a cerrar la herida mientras no se desinfecte y se cure como es debido… Y eso no se logra sin justicia.Un abrazo.

  188. 3189 words so far. Pretty happy with it, the story is really taking shape. It’s not quite finished, I don’t have the ending yet, but it’s good work already. I’ll go out for a drink with friends now and might try to write some more tonight when I come back.If I don’t, I am happy with what I have done so far anyway.

  189. Buenos días Guille,Escucho todas las mañanas Día Perfecto, y me encanta tu encanta que tengas en cuenta el presupuesto de los oyentes, sabes entender el bolsillo agujereado que tenemos…. pero a pesar de ello, propones escapadas divertidas….Me encanta tu optimisto y buena onda….Me gustaría ganar las entadas para ir a Temaiken con mi sobrino de 3 años, que ama esos lugaresMuchos saludos…..BesitosFlor de Hurlingham

  190. Glasreiniger sagte hierzu am 5. Dezember 2007 um 22:16: In de.wikipedia betätigt sich ein Benutzer namens Liudger123 als Chronologiekritiker-Blockwart. (S. z.B. die Edits in [[Chronologiekritik]]) Könnte es sein, daß …

  191. Yes, This is what Law of Attraction is all about. A really great initiative on your site: a great series of cards! We all need reminders everyday! Indeed, thoughts are seeds and these cards can plant the right seed.

  192. sultan johor ni mmg kaya dgn bisnes..dia x pyh sibuk nak jual pangkat datuk pd org awam..siapa yg dpt title Dato” dr sultan Johor ni mmg yg betul2 berbakti pd negara,ugama dan bangsa..bkn setkt yg terkinja2 kt pentas

  193. vos seguro por dentro sentis una gran bronca por que te gastan todos y con razon ya que no llevas nadie a ver a tu equipo y ojala muchos sean como vos que defendes lo indefendible (la amargura) sos muy triste sar miento y este torneo te queda muy grande como todo… el telon, el estadio, y hasta el apodo de la 22 por que ni siquiera eso son jijijijijjijijijijijijiijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijij

  194. be useful to see the percentage of logged in users, will most probably change per industry. And in those industries with a higher percentage of signed in users, then obtaining Google +1's will be even more important in those sectors.

  195. L'incubo dei miei anni universitari era assolutamente Walter Benjamin,il libro di Benjanim "La rappresentazione blabla yaddayadda" lo odio, cazzo avrei voluto dirgi "PARLA CHIARO MALEDIZIONE TI PIACE O NO?!??!?!"

  196. • My immediate career goal is toward with the reputable organization having congenial working environment and where challenge opportunities are available, to contribute towards the development of organization. Relationship is maintained between staff and colleagues.

  197. Shaq took plays off, heck he took games off. I think when you are over 7 feet and 300 pounds you have to. Bynum has always given a good effort in the playoffs, even with injuies. There is no reason to think he won’t this year.

  198. I’ve been surfing on-line greater than 3 hours nowadays, but I by no means found any fascinating article like yours. It’s beautiful price sufficient for me. In my view, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you probably did, the web might be much more useful than ever before. “No one has the right to destroy another person’s belief by demanding empirical evidence.” by Ann Landers.

  199. My wife was a nanny but has stubbornly resisted all her friends’ efforts to involve her in scrapbooking. It’s funny that such a dyed-in-the-wool Mormon like she is has such an almost pathological resistance to some of the cultural touchstones of Mormonism.I haven’t figured out what the allure of scrapbooking is, and I’m quite sure I’ll never get it.

  200. Nous remercions de tous cœur Gérard,qui a animé avec beaucoup d’ efficacité l’anniversaire de mon petit garçon ce samedi 12 novembreTout les enfants était ravie, mon fils a passer une journée !!! comme il dit ExtraordinaireA bientôt et encore merci

  201. Con la cantidad de timos que hay por denunciar en el mundo literario y escritores consagrados por los motivos más peregrinos, menos por los que debería (su calidad), ¿por qué siempre terminas escribiendo sobre los mismos, estimada Meg? Ya sabes que no hay peor odio que el del converso, ¿tienes un oculto pasado?

  202. Thanks Glen, I have to admit to being a bit delighted! btw have a look at the judges report when it comes out, Final Siren got a specific positive mention ( I’m assuming that’s yours, unless someone else has coincidentally written a piece with the same name?)

  203. Marti am fost cu Alexandra la Denie la Manastirea Radu Voda. Era aproximativ 17.30 nu incepuse. Ne-am inchinat la Sf Moaste si cand sa ne intoarcem Alexandra se intoarce sa ma intrebe ceva. Ii atrag atentia sa se dea la o parte ca trecea un preot pe langa noi. Parintele se uita la Alexandra si spune: "Nu, nu, ca la tine am venit! Trebuie sa te spovedesti si sa te impartasesti neaparat." Vorbisem cu Alexandra de spovedanie cu cateva zile inainte dar a zis ca dupa Sf. Pasti. Ne-am uitat uimite bineinteles, parintele nu ne cunostea pe nici una. Apoi i-a zis sa vina a doua zi. A fost ieri s-a spovedit si s-a impartasit. Mari si marite sunt minunile Tale, Doamne!

  204. Heya Frank, you’re right, the leccy car (as my son calls it) has replaced our petrol car as the workhorse for the family – the daily commute, the shopping, the trips into town, the nights out. Right now, the petrol car is only pulled out for the long trips. Long term, if I owned an eCar, it might be cheaper to rent a car for the long drives! I’ll get back to the calculator in the new year and figure out if this is an option…

  205. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive learn something like this before. So nice to find somebody with some unique thoughts on this subject. realy thank you for starting this up. this website is one thing that’s wanted on the net, someone with a little bit originality. helpful job for bringing something new to the web!

  206. "up with which I will not put"I've always loved that locution. It was presented to us in linguistics class as an example of why the so-called "rule" disallowing prepositions at the ends of sentences is false. "Put up with" is an example of a petrified expression, i.e., a locution the word order of which can't be changed. Pardon the pedantry– it's not aimed at you, since you're obviously in on the joke. I'm mentioning all this for the benefit of readers who still labor under the delusion that one should never end a sentence with a preposition.Oh, and… congrats on spotting the dangler. Join me now as we cast stones at Ms. Freed.

  207. Czech republic is a rather small country without any extra domestic energy resource, no oil, no gas, all depending on import. Nuclear gives it more freedom and space to develop. So far czechs also have some experience in nuclear power on their territory and even own construction, sometimes mentioning technology export possibility.So why not?

  208. Agree with Blackberry. The truth must be spoken.I also find it fascinating that this phenomenon is occurring simultaneously in all Western countries – Australia, Britain, US, Germany, etc etc.The depths of liberalism is mind boggling. I can only describe it as a psychosis.

  209. [..YouTube..] Great Video !!!!!!!! Great conversation, Its about time that we get our STOMP on? You ready. TO GET YOUR STOMP ON???? I know that 444 seamed a little disappointing to you, BUT that said 555 has something to say about it. We all slide,we all slip we all expect more than we should of ourselves GOD MADE HUMANS HE DID NOT MAKE US GODS if he did we would not have this community. We are real people FIGHTING A REAL FIGHT. you are focused , working hard and you will see what you want to C ctrygirl555

  210. over state-based ones are less than obvious to me.You might not say that, Robert, if you have moved interstate during high school, or gone to an interstate university. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s the apocalypse currently or anything, but a national curricula and (hopefully) consistent marking review would make things a lot easier for a decent number of kids. The pain may be short-lived, but do you ever feel it so sharply than when you’re a teen?

  211. Dude, Bourdain last night ROCKED! Catch a rerun, Wendell Pierce and David Simon are featured. Pierce has a big segment in it and they talk about Treme.

  212. Renê Klingohr / Cara.. essas fotos são muito boas… mas a do Rooney eu realmente dei risadaParabéns pelo Blog. Já li quase tudo do arquivo.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 1

  213. …Ahh Coco ,ce mare dreptate care am trait alaturi de mama ta ,de voi…cativa anisori buni ..te inteleg "perfect" si pot sa-ti confirm caci "ai perfecta dreptate.. " FEMEIA CARE IUBESTE PREA MULT "! Dar gandeste caci "erau alte "timpuri"..(cu toate caci ptr. asta nu trebuie sa existe nici o scuza)… Dar cand IUBESTI cu adevarat..??? ..orbesti complect!

  214. How great you have the right readers in your life.I need the positives and negatives to be pointed out. I want to improve, but I also need something to hold onto. There's someone I know from a critique group who brought up a specific problem to death. Even as they were reading on and I'd fixed it, she kept harping. Needless to say, I don't want to work with her anymore.

  215. Ano schrieb: erdknuffel schrieb: Adedinus schrieb: ma ehrlich meint ihr patch 1.4.5 wird überhaupt noch erscheinen?Das wird er sicherlich.Weiss nicht so genau, nach meinem Inka-Kalender geht die Welt bald unter!

  216. En ce qui concerne la tenue de Federer, c’était une mauvaise idée de Nike et effectivement les critiques qu’il a essuyé après, certaines assez virulentes, ont permis qu’il revienne à plus de simplicité là-bas ce qui n’est pas un mal. En revanche, il a toujours dit que la tenue lui avait été apportée sur le court à la fin du match et qu’elle n’était pas préparée à l’avance dans son sac contrairement à ce qui avait été raconté. Après, peut-être est-ce pour se dédouaner je n’en sais rien.

  217. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read something like this before. So good to search out anyone with some unique ideas on this subject. realy thank you for beginning this up. this web site is something that’s wanted on the net, someone with just a little originality. helpful job for bringing one thing new to the internet!

  218. Normalmente, si te fijas, suelo evitar a la gente en las fotos, prefiero paisajes en los que no haya personas (salvo en los retratos). Ahora que lo mencionas, realmente he visto a poca gente pescando en todo el viaje. Había pescadores con red en el lago Toba, en Indonesia, y asombrosamente también se pescaba en el Ganges, en Benarés, al lado de los cadáveres putrefactos, pero en las playas la verdad es que no recuerdo a nadie.Tu voto: 0  0

  219. I’m curious, David. You mentioned that the major labels “set licensing terms in punitive ways, treating start-ups as predators instead of partners”. Without disclosing specific details of negotiations that you got involved, would you mind elaborate why you think the labels’ terms are punitive:1) they restrict the use of purchased music (i.e. insisting on DRM), or2) they set the royalties too high, or3) bothIf you were the labels, how would you propose licensing terms that would be fair to both sides?Thanks for the great post and appreciate your time.

  220. As a certified Yinzer I realized last night for the first time fantasy football has surpassed my cheerfulness of my home town team. I was fine playing against Antonio when he only had 80yards. I mother fucked him and the rest of the Steelers offense when it became 150 yards and a TD with only 3 minutes left.

  221. Como disse na discussão após a exibição do filme Nikita Mikhalkov (que tem um faro verdadeiramente animalesco para sentir a "linha geral do partido"):- A Europa Ocidental já não precisará de tanto gás, mas os polacos vão comprar…

  222. , I feel that I have every right to hold the candidates to a higher standard than simply, “well, he/she is better than the other guy,,,” as if that is enough. I don’t like how Obama handled the fall-out from the Rev. Wright scandal and that gave me pause but I still resent the implication that supporting a certain candidate is somehow setting women’s rights back decades.

  223. seeds72 dit :Surtout que ce n’est pas une faute du médecin. Si l’équipement n’était pas adéquat dans l’hôpital, le médecin n’est pas responsable.Exact, c’est la faute du systeme canadien, alors comment un gars peut actionner le systeme de santé canadien, tu crois qu’il va actionner le gouvernement canadien?

  224. Great article. And to be on-topic with this post, I don’t know for you girls but for me hair is really the most important factor for my look. My hair stilist from the saloon where I go offered me around 2 months ago some kind of hair oil that will make my hair grow faster and thicker. I don’t plan to spam this blog so, who wants to find more details can click on my name.Also i’m sorry for my poor english

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